What is Thumb Group all about? Why should I go and what will I learn?

Thumb pain is a common problem that we see at Peninsula Hand Therapy. Thumb pain may occur for many reasons, including injury, hypermobility and autoimmune diseases. At PHT, we commonly see thumb pain associated with Osteoarthritis (OA) due to the biomechanical changes that occur in the joint at the base of the thumb resulting from cartilage break down from wear and tear over time. These changes can lead to unstable thumb joints that cause pain especially when completing daily tasks that require pinching and gripping actions *. 

For a thumb to have a stable pain-free pinch, we need the joints to be correctly positioned, with the ligaments, muscles and the sensorimotor system all functioning effectively. 

In our thumb exercise class we teach a specific thumb stabilisation exercise program that is designed to prevent pain and promote movement patterns that protect your joints.  This then prevents further degeneration. We teach exercises that strengthen the supporting muscles around the thumb and provide advice on activity modifications to help you minimise thumb pain in your day to day activities. 
Picture Above: Three of our lovely ladies attending Thumb Group on a Friday afternoon with Therapist Brooke.

Thumb class gives you the opportunity to practice and master your thumb exercises with access to a hand therapist to answer any questions and ensure correct movement patterns – there is no use in completing your exercises incorrectly and potentially delaying your recovery! Also, understanding why you are completing specific exercises helps you to maintain motivation to complete your home exercise program. We also show you how you can practice these little exercises throughout your day. 

But there is another benefit to being part of a group class, it allows you to chat to other people who have similar problems with their thumbs, who can share tips and tricks that they have found useful in managing pain and how they have been able to continue doing all the activities they love to do. 

If you are experiencing thumb pain and would like to know more about the benefits of attending thumb group, please contact us at Peninsula Hand Therapy.

If you need further instruction on how to complete your thumb stabilisation exercises, you can find video demonstrations on our PHT YouTube channel

*For more information on thumb pain associated with OA, head to our Blog; Some Help for Ladies with Thumb Pain

This Blog is written by Brooke Taylor one of our Hand Therapists who runs the Thumb class. Brooke has a special interest in helping people with thumb pain.