Hand & Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Hand Rehabilitation Specialists treat all types of injuries/diseases of the hand and upper extremity including fractures, wrist disorders, nerve compression syndromes such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ulnar Nerve Compression, tendon and nerve injuries, arthritis, sports injuries, post-operative reconstruction, birth defects, repetitive strain injuries such as “Tennis Elbow”, amputations and replants, shoulder impingement, rotator cuff strains and tears. Neurological conditions such as Stroke, Parkinsons, spasticity following Acquired Brain Injury.
Hand Therapy is a specialty of both the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy professions. A Hand Therapist has achieved post-graduate qualifications in upperlimb rehabilitation. This specialty encompasses treatment of the entire upperlimb from shoulder to hand.
Call Now to Book an Appointment (03) 5973 6911 or
email enquiry@peninsulahandtherapy.com.au
We are also located at The Sports Injury Clinic!
We offer consults on a Wednesday afternoon at 365-367 Nepean Highway, Frankston.
To book call 9783 9990 and ask to be booked for Hand Therapy with Samuel Jubber or click here and select Hand Therapy

Emergency Appointments

To ensure immediate attention to your acute sporting injury or fracture;
Broken wrist or hand ?
Peninsula Hand Therapy specialises in the custom fabrication of lightweight waterproof thermoplastic casts.

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